Monday, March 31, 2008

My essay: How I spent my Sunday...

3 little boys and 3 little girls...and FINALLY back outside!

First, the boys!
Meet Evan, Nathan and Kellen. These guys gave me a run for my money yesterday; but boy did I have fun! It's so nice to be outdoors again!

Thanks to their moms, not only for humoring me with craziness, but for doing an incredible job of raising funds for an organization close to all of our hearts, The Smile Train. Most of you know that one of my guys was born with a cleft lip/palate, so we've been devoted to the organization for 5 years. I found these moms VERY accidentally a few months ago, and lo and behold, Nathan was born with cleft lip and palate, and his cousin Kellen was born with a cleft lip. Their mom's have taken it upon themselves to organize a HUGE fundraiser in St. Louis for The Smile Train, and I can't thank them enough. Please take the time to visit the Smile Train website: for information on clefts and please donate if you can. If you would like more information on the St. Louis fundraiser, please email me and I'll pass the information on to you!

Thanks again to the cousins....

Nathan, quite a roar you've got there :)
Evan....was the pinky swear worth it? It wasn't SO painful :)

Kellen....who won the award for feet that barely stopped!

And now....for the little girls. Welcome to the world, little ones!! Meet Kiley and her brand new sisters Kamryn and Kaitlyn. Look out mom and dad....these girls are going to be as pretty as their mom sooner than you're ready! SO, so sweet! Thanks for letting me spend the day (and for sharing your girls with me!) This is definitely one of those pictures are worth more than words moments....

Little babies, big world

Thanks, Kiley for putting up with everything yesterday. And I do mean *everything*. You're a trooper; and very good at my job, I might add!

*sigh* Aren't they sweet!

Oh, yes. The birth of a diva! Look at those eyes....WOW!

In conclusion I had one of the most fun Sunday's I've had in quite a while!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Don't pack up the Easter outfits yet....

It's official, and I'm ready to announce my Spring Event details!

Get ready for the Mama's Boys and Daddy's Girls Spring Portrait Event.

When: Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th
9am-3pm both days
Where: Rau Gardens at Blanchette Park in St. Charles
(see the park in bloom in the photos here: )
How: Email or call (314.795.0470) for a session time. Sessions will be scheduled every 20 minutes (with 15 minutes of that time for shooting)
What: As always with events, special package pricing, Prints, special art pieces, and for first time ever, 20% off of photo handbags.
Details: As I mentioned before, the new spring theme is "Mama's boys and Daddy's girls". I've decided that in honor of my boys growing up SO fast, and having very few photos of my husband or I with them, that this spring event will be all about the fleeting relationships that we have with our growing (too quickly, I might add) kiddos. SO, this Portrait Event has one least one photo at this event MUST be taken with one or both parents. No exceptions. My focus at this event is to document this place in time...all of our children are growing fast, and won't be on our laps (or think we're the greatest thing ever) for much longer, so I've taken it upon myself to freeze that in time for us. What better gift for Mother's and Father's Day?

This event will occur rain or shine, and all prints will be ready before Mother's Day.

So, call or email to schedule your time now. These event book up fast!!

Don't be shy or scared.....someday, you'll long for these days....let me capture them now!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Yes, I'm still here!!!

Hello?? Anyone there??

I'm finally coming out of my winter hibernation since we've seen the official first day of spring!! I'm sure many of you wonder where I've been. I've been here, but REALLY neglecting the blog!! So here goes the update...

Well, busy season has come and gone, and as in years past, I intend to take 2 months to know, website, marketing materials, the necessities. And as it happens, somehow, 3 months have come and gone, and while some things were finished (like the many more sessions I had between January and now....thank you SO much) many (like new look and marketing) went by the way side.

Now to the business. I have a FANTASTIC spring date coming up, SO excited about the location and I think you will be as well. Please reserve the weekend of April 26th and 27th (early Easter really messed with me this year, so I'm switching to a Mother's Day theme this year). There will also be some changes in what's offered for this holiday event as well, more than prints, and WAY more exciting than storyboards. So, for now, keep those dates in mind, and I'll have the details sent out by the end of the week.
