Monday, March 31, 2008

My essay: How I spent my Sunday...

3 little boys and 3 little girls...and FINALLY back outside!

First, the boys!
Meet Evan, Nathan and Kellen. These guys gave me a run for my money yesterday; but boy did I have fun! It's so nice to be outdoors again!

Thanks to their moms, not only for humoring me with craziness, but for doing an incredible job of raising funds for an organization close to all of our hearts, The Smile Train. Most of you know that one of my guys was born with a cleft lip/palate, so we've been devoted to the organization for 5 years. I found these moms VERY accidentally a few months ago, and lo and behold, Nathan was born with cleft lip and palate, and his cousin Kellen was born with a cleft lip. Their mom's have taken it upon themselves to organize a HUGE fundraiser in St. Louis for The Smile Train, and I can't thank them enough. Please take the time to visit the Smile Train website: for information on clefts and please donate if you can. If you would like more information on the St. Louis fundraiser, please email me and I'll pass the information on to you!

Thanks again to the cousins....

Nathan, quite a roar you've got there :)
Evan....was the pinky swear worth it? It wasn't SO painful :)

Kellen....who won the award for feet that barely stopped!

And now....for the little girls. Welcome to the world, little ones!! Meet Kiley and her brand new sisters Kamryn and Kaitlyn. Look out mom and dad....these girls are going to be as pretty as their mom sooner than you're ready! SO, so sweet! Thanks for letting me spend the day (and for sharing your girls with me!) This is definitely one of those pictures are worth more than words moments....

Little babies, big world

Thanks, Kiley for putting up with everything yesterday. And I do mean *everything*. You're a trooper; and very good at my job, I might add!

*sigh* Aren't they sweet!

Oh, yes. The birth of a diva! Look at those eyes....WOW!

In conclusion I had one of the most fun Sunday's I've had in quite a while!

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