Monday, March 24, 2008

Yes, I'm still here!!!

Hello?? Anyone there??

I'm finally coming out of my winter hibernation since we've seen the official first day of spring!! I'm sure many of you wonder where I've been. I've been here, but REALLY neglecting the blog!! So here goes the update...

Well, busy season has come and gone, and as in years past, I intend to take 2 months to know, website, marketing materials, the necessities. And as it happens, somehow, 3 months have come and gone, and while some things were finished (like the many more sessions I had between January and now....thank you SO much) many (like new look and marketing) went by the way side.

Now to the business. I have a FANTASTIC spring date coming up, SO excited about the location and I think you will be as well. Please reserve the weekend of April 26th and 27th (early Easter really messed with me this year, so I'm switching to a Mother's Day theme this year). There will also be some changes in what's offered for this holiday event as well, more than prints, and WAY more exciting than storyboards. So, for now, keep those dates in mind, and I'll have the details sent out by the end of the week.


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